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Horse Sense 101: Essential Horsemanship Techniques

  • 23Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This program takes you along the steps, to go from an untouched wild mustang to the first ride, and you can work along each module with your own mustang or domesticated horse, even if you are already riding them. Though the course is geared to assist those adopting untouched mustangs or those obtained through the Mustang Heritage Foundation TIP program, it is also extremely helpful for inexperienced owners who bought a horse which they are having issues with and more knowledgeable horse folks, to just increase your horsemanship knowledge base. This course dives heavily into chemicals working inside a horses head and how to utilize those chemicals to rewire a horse to want to remain calm and relaxed. If you are having trouble connecting and being on the same page as your horse, this is a great tool. With in-depth videos and explanations as well as quizzes after each module, you will find that connection you are seeking. Confused about positive and negative reinforcement training? Forget about all that and just learn to read your horse and give them what they need to understand. It's not about one method or the other, it's about communicating with your horse. The easiest way to accomplish this is to understand how the chemicals in a horses mind work and how to use those chemicals to your advantage in training situations. Come join us and get hands on with your horse!



Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From $19.99/month


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